General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for event registrations

In the case of a binding registration for an event, you agree to have read the following terms and conditions and agree to them. These terms and conditions are an integral part of the contract. Amendments must be in writing.


Registration and confirmation
For youth protection reasons, access to the events is granted only to persons over 18 years of age. The registration becomes legally binding through a written online or offline acknowledgment of receipt by the organizer. Upon registration of multiple persons through one user account a single invoice for all participants is created. Registrations with cumulative discounts for multiple participants are permitted only for members of the same institution. For events with a limited number of participants, registrations will be considered by their date of receipt. After a successful registration, an invoice will be deposited in the online registration system, which states registration fees and taxes. This invoice can be accessed in the registration system and serves after its payment as a confirmation of registration.


Discounted registration fees
Discounted registration fees are a voluntary discount of the regular registration fees granted by the organizer that can be subject to further conditions. The registration fees and the conditions for a discount are listed in the registration forms. It lies on the person who performs the registration to prove the entitlement of the affected participants for discounted registration fees. If the proof fails, the person who performs the registration agrees on that the affected participants are charged the regular registration fees.


The respective service specifications for each event are determinative for the services offered for participants and accompanying persons. Access to all presentations, lectures, seminars, and other subject-specific components of the event is only granted to persons who have demonstrably paid the conference fees charged by the organizer. The services for participants include admission to all events listed on the invoice, all documents issued during the event and catering offered at the event. Accompanying persons are excluded from participation in presentations, lectures, seminars, and other subject-specific components at the event. Accompanying persons are not entitled to receive any documents issued during the event or take advantage from catering offered at the event, unless otherwise has been stated in the service specifications for the respective event. Arrival, departure and accommodation are to be organized, booked and paid by the participants and accompanying persons themselves, unless otherwise has been stated in the service specifications for the respective event. Barrier-free rooms cannot be guaranteed at the venue.


Invoices must be paid within 5 working days of receipt. Payments can be made by bank transfer stating the invoice number to the following account without a processing fee by bank transfer:


DKG e. V.
IBAN   DE85  1203  0000  1020  1826  20

Bank code number 120 300 00
Account number 102 018 2620
Bank address:    Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB), D - 10919 Berlin, Germany

If offered, payments are also possible via PayPal or by credit card (MasterCard, Visa). For payments by PayPal the total sum may be charged with an additional handling fee of 5% (five percent). Payment on site is excluded, unless stated otherwise in the specification of the respective event. If payment on site has not been excluded, it cannot be made in cash, but only by credit card (MasterCard, Visa), unless other individual agreements in writing apply.


Changes or cancellation of the event
The organizer reserves the right to change speakers by others and make necessary changes to the program while maintaining the overall character of the event, as well as changing date and place of the event for extraordinary reason, or cancel the event. Should it not possible to hold the event due to force majeure or due to a low number of participants, the registered participants will be informed immediately. In this case, or if no suitable alternative date can be found at date changes, the affected registrations will be canceled and already paid fees will be refunded. Other claims such as compensation for travel and accommodation expenses or work loss are excluded, unless they are based on intentional or grossly negligent behavior of employees of the organizer or other agents.


Amendments to existing registrations and invoices
The processing fee for amendments or changes to already created invoices or completed registrations is 2.50 euros per participant and act.


Cancellation of registrations
Ordered tickets are not taken back!


Postal forwarding of invoices
For a postal forwarding of an invoice a handling fee of 2.50 euros plus shipping costs will be charged per invoice for manual processing, issuance and delivery.


Participant directory
If registrations, bookings or changes to existing booking are made later than four weeks before the event, there is no entitlement to inclusion in the participant directory.


Conference material
All conference material is available on site during the event. A postal or electronic mailing of conference material will not occur.


Photographs, film and sound recordings
During the event photographs, film and sound recordings can be made by the organizer without requiring the consent of the participant. These can be used by the organizer or the event partners to document the event on their websites and in press publications.


Prevention of copyright infringement
To avoid copyright infringements, it is prohibited especially during presentations, lectures, seminars and poster sessions to make photographic images, video or audio recordings without the explicit permission of the organizer. In case of violation, the organizer reserves the right to exclude the affected participants of the event immediately and without rights for refund of the registration fee. The conference material is protected by copyright. Copying, dissemination or other use is prohibited without the written consent of the organizer and the respective author.


Privacy Policy
The organizer takes all necessary measures for the protection of personal data of the participants. The data is subject to the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), the Telemedia Act (TMG) and other applicable data protection rules for the conduct, supervision and evaluation of the event. No personal data is passed on to third parties. The use of personal data for purposes of advertisement can be withdrawn at any time in writing by post or e-mail to the organizer.


The organizers and the agents authorized by them do not assume any liability for personal injury, property damage or other damages not listed here that are caused by registration for or participating in this event, provided that they are not grossly negligent. For substantive inaccuracy of lectures, presentations and documentation no liability is accepted by the organizer.


Ineffectiveness of individual provisions
The invalidity of individual provisions of the contract does not affect the validity of the remaining contractual provisions. In this case, the parties have to replace the invalid provision by such a scheme with which the economic purpose intended by the parties can most likely be achieved.


Date: June 17th, 2017