Presentation Guidelines


Oral presentation guidelines

Oral presentation time is 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes time for discussion (invited lectures 25 + 5 min, keynote lectures 40 + 5 min). All speakers are encouraged to use the provided laptop (including a wireless presenter / laser pointer) in order to avoid any compatibility issues with the AV system. Therefore, presenters are kindly requested to bring their presentation (Powerpoint or PDF) on an USB stick to the session room no later than during the break before the scheduled presentation time.


Poster presentation guidelines

Posters must be of A0 size (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm, portrait orientation) and should be mounted directly after arriving at the HOLM on Wednesday. Material for mounting will be provided.  Posters have to be removed directly after the poster session. In case your manuscript was chosen as "Poster Speed Talk", please check the oral presentation guideline (presentation time is strictly 3 minutes, no discussion time).