Please note: Short abstract
Short abstract: max. of 1.500 characters / max. of 6 authors
If you want to successfully submit a lecture or poster, you need to register to the conference first. Only after you have applied, it is possible for you to submit your contribution and upload further documents.
Short abstract text should not exceed 1500 characters of a natural language (English).
Natural language characters are being counted without white-spaces and without text formatting markup in the status bar at the bottom of the editor.
Furthermore there is an internal database storage limit of 2500 characters (including diacritics, whitespaces and markup), which must not be exceeded. If you have reached that storage limit during the submission of your abstract an error message will be displayed. In that case please shorten your abstract text and try again to submit the form.
How do I submit my extended abstract ...
- Log on in your account with your email address and password.
- Click button "Submissions“, then upload by clicking „upload files for submission / select submission“.
- Please note (Lectures (oral) an Posters): PDF-format only! / 10 MB file size max.!